
We already know the therapeutic benefits of owning a dog and they in turn offer love, loyalty and companionship. As we head into December, pet theft is at the forefront of our minds here at Justice for Reggie. Many families have been deeply affected by pet theft and we understand the unimaginable heartache they are going through right now. Our thoughts are with those families having to spend another Christmas without their beloved companion.

Unfortunately, under UK law, pets are still regarded as personal property when stolen. This has to change, and change is coming soon as part of the Government’s ambitious plans to improve animal welfare.


Online Selling

Dog theft has continued to rise across the UK with 2,760 dogs and puppies stolen in 2021. Unfortunately, the subsequent rise in prices of puppies during the pandemic has made it appealing for thieves. The main reason for stealing dogs is for financial gain. Sadly many dogs are still being stolen from their homes and used for intensive breeding as they swap vehicle and drug theft for puppies. Online selling platforms are a haven for unlicensed breeders and sellers. We are working hard behind the scenes monitoring some of these major selling sites and report anything suspicious, however it is difficult to spot a low welfare breeder on the cute glossy adverts where they claim that the pups are ‘raised in a loving home’. We continue to find many adverts with no mums, or separate photos downloaded from other adverts and used repeatedly, or using fake mums. So what does that mean? Well these sellers do not want you to see the mums because either they are stolen, kept in poor conditions, or the pups have been smuggled into the UK. This time of year, illegal sellers want a quick sale with adverts stating ‘ready for Christmas’ or ‘Just the perfect gift’ along with ‘Reduced price’ and ‘On nearest offer’. We have also seen an increase in the sale of non-puppy dogs from the pandemic, where some owners choose to abandon and sell them online. We have come across many adverts selling female adult dogs stating ‘due in season’ and when investigating further, it turns out that they have already had a couple of litters, then sold on multiple times only to be bred from again and again.

We have strong links with only a very small minority of the selling platforms who support responsible breeders (as shared on our social media). The rest of the selling platforms need to follow suit and that is why they need regulating. As Sir Roger Gale stated in the Westminster debate for Reggie’s law on 13th December 2021:

‘I personally would like to ban the sale of all sentient beings online, but we are living in an age of electronic sales so it has to be right that each and every person, whether they are selling as breeders, commercially or privately, are licensed and identifiable. The online space is a wild west where there is no regulation by the platform owners.’   

Grief and Loss

Many amazing Facebook organisations work so hard to help reunite missing and stolen dogs with their families. There are also some dedicated police forces in the UK who take on the extra responsibility of helping to track down the thieves. However, many families are still missing their pets many years later, and there are no signs of them giving up in the hope that one day they will be back home.

Further to the heartache experienced of having your pet stolen, we know very little about what happens to them when they are taken, or who steals them. They just ‘vanish into thin air’. Not having closure has a strong psychological affect and keeps the victims living in limbo, often putting a strain on relationships. Theft of a pet is a very traumatic experience and families do all they can, exhaustingly putting up posters, reaching out to the wider community, social media, newspaper and radio interviews. They keep going at it in the hope that someone would give them that last piece of the jigsaw leading up to their pets being found. Then as if they are not going through enough, there is the hoax calls from scammers who trawl through lost posts and play on the emotions of the victims asking for money to get their beloved pet

We often wonder what the dogs are feeling. Research shows that dogs bond quickly to their owners and therefore they have feelings of missing someone. We do not know how they feel, but there have been brain-imaging studies that show similar areas of a dogs’ brain lighting up when they are feeling the same emotions as humans. However, no two dogs are alike, and how they grieve, and for how long differs.


Pet Theft Taskforce

The Pet Theft taskforce was created in May 2021 in response to public concerns about the reported increase in dog theft. Through legislations, their aim is to ensure that the issue of pet theft is tackled from end to end, and that the welfare and safety of pets is fully taken into account. They will recognise that pets are valued more than property. This new offence of pet abduction will be added to the Kept Animals Bill that is soon to be debated in Parliament.

Pet microchip databases will also be made accessible, as currently, there are 16 microchip databases that makes it difficult to navigate by owners, law enforcement and tracing stolen dogs. On your next visit to the vet, ask them to scan your pet to make sure the chip is in place and communicating. Also, ensure you update your details with the microchip company.

The sentencing laws for pet theft are still to be announced, but under this new law, the emotional effect of pet theft on the owner will be also taken into account.


Don’t Give up

There are many heart-warming stories of dogs being reunited with their families including one found 8 years after being stolen following a raid by the RSPCA, when they received a tip-off from member of the public. She was used to breed from repeatedly and was found along with her with puppies who have all gone to loving homes. We do hope that there will be more incredible stories like this to come.

The best Christmas present for these families is to have their companion home safe and well. We are thinking of you.

Wishing you all the best

Justice for Reggie Team


JAN/FEB 2023

