
Anyway our story is similar to everyone’s but thankfully our pup Zuma is doing well.

We got him end of November (from Gumtree which now I know is ridiculous but it seemed legit and the man on the phone was very knowledgeable and helpful). If only I knew what I do now 😩 The puppy was shown as a Labrador with images of the puppies together and of the 'mum' which were obvious lies.

As soon as we arrived, we knew it was dodgy as the puppy clearly wasn't a lab and there were no other puppies or mother. We left but then my conscious got the better of me so we went back and ended up taking the puppy home regardless because he looked so uncared for and skinny and i just couldn't leave him wondering what might happen to him.

When we got him home he had really bad diarrhoea plus a really bad cough so I took him to the vets and he had ringworm, worms plus kennel cough which has now at last gone. He then had nothing but other bugs since including a parasite and Giardia but luckily the last 2 weeks he has turned a corner and is doing really well.

He still can't go out as we need to have his full jabs because the paperwork wasn’t real and I have no idea what kind of dog he is (staff / greyhound / collie / lab - who knows) but we love him and he is a lucky boy.

I’m still worried he will get sick again or that he might have behavioural issues but he has a loving home so I hope not.

We called the guy as soon as we knew he was ill the same day and ever since he's phone has been switched off. I have reported him to RSPCA but nothing has happened.

I have just not been able to let it go ever since. The more I read about it, the more angry I get and there are so many stories where the puppies or dogs are not as lucky as ours. I know people shouldn't buy from them but it is easier said than done when you are there and see the puppy. I have reported SO many on gumtree where it is obvious it is puppy farming and I have fake called them and reported to RSPCA but unless these sites stop selling them, people will always buy them.

I’m glad I found your group as I just feel cheated and it has been so stressful and worrying which is not what we wanted so I want justice for Zuma and all the dogs & puppies that don’t make it.

We have a 4 year old who adores him so I completely feel for you having to explain to your little one what happened. It’s just sickening.



